Sustainable, Lean and Proactive Occupational Safety Management

Occupational health and safety (OHS) ranks the first among the elements of Tofaş’s, since it is the most important one. It is also an area in many aspects of which the Tofaş plant serves as a reference model within the Stellantis community. The plant is visited by firms wishing to observe Tofaş’s OHS operations and practices in action. Adhering to a proactive and lean approach to occupational health and safety issues, Tofaş seeks to protect everyone coming into contact with its operations from risks that could be detrimental to their health or safety by fostering a sustainable OHS culture and by creating environments that are intrinsically safe.

Tofaş makes use of an OHS Management System in order to achieve zero work-related accident and illness rates. Since the beginning of the company’s campaign to continuously improve workplace safety performance, the Lost Time Accident Rate has decreased by 95% since 2006. In 2023 4,089 employees received a total of 49,860 hours of OHS training.

Tofaş seeks to achieve zero-levels of work-related accidents and illnesses by means of its Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) System. Since the introduction of the World Class Work Safety program in 2006, the company’s Lost Time Accident (LTA) rate has been reduced by 95%.
